2024 Writing Placement Process
All incoming students will be placed into UC Irvine writing courses by UC Irvine faculty during Summer 2024.
Language Tests
Writing Assessment
Physical Science Tests
Placement Tests
Writing Placement
All incoming students will receive a placement into UC Irvine writing courses. UC Irvine writing faculty will be placing students into courses during summer 2024.
In order for students to receive their writing placements before they attend their academic advising session during summer orientation, students must do the following:
- Complete the Writing Course Placement Portfolio
- Submit their scores, if they have them, from tests such as AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Research, or AP Seminar; the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); American College Testing (ACT); and/or the International Baccalaureate (IB).
- These scores, if available, should be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions by July 1, 2024. If scores are not available by July 1, students should submit them as soon as possible after that date.
The writing placement process takes into consideration all relevant information from students’ records. Providing the scores requested will assist greatly in placing students in writing courses best suited to foster their academic success.
All incoming students will be notified of their placements or whether further steps must be taken to determine placement.
How will my writing placement be determined?
Your placement will be determined through a combination of the following:
- Standardized test scores from the SAT, ACT, AP, and IB.
- College credits that transfer from another institution.
- Your submission of the Writing Course Placement Portfolio, which includes a brief survey on your high school writing experience, two writing samples, and a written reflection on your writing.
Is there a fee for the UCI Writing Placement process?
A $45 Writing Placement Fee is assessed for all first-year students as part of the Student Service Fee.
Do I need to complete the Writing Course Placement Portfolio?
Yes, every incoming student needs to complete this in order to receive a writing placement. You cannot enroll in a writing class until you receive a writing placement.
I have qualifying scores and/or transfer college credit, do I need to complete this?
Yes, we are asking that EVERY student complete the portfolio.
How do I complete the Writing Course Placement Portfolio process?
The UCI’s Writing Course Placement Portfolio Process includes submitting a survey and writing samples that will help place you into your first writing course. The entire process should take 1-2 hours total.
Here are the steps the process will entail:
- Take a survey that asks you to recount your previous writing and literacy experiences (10 minutes)
- Provide personal information relevant to your writing-course placement (10 minutes)
- Upload 2 samples of your writing
- Write a brief reflection on your writing experiences (up to 500 words)
You may begin your portfolio submission here.
What are type of writing samples would you like to see?
For writing sample #1, we want to see the most advanced work for a class in the last year. If you do not have anything to submit for sample #1, see below:
If you don’t have a quality writing sample #1 written for a class this year, you can choose your best work from the previous year.
If you don’t have a quality writing sample #1 written for a class this year in English, you can submit your best work written in English, for class or for a different occasion, and explain this choice in your reflection.
For writing sample #2, choose something from your high school years (perhaps from a class, creative writing, community engagement, or extra-curricular experience, etc.). If applicable, include instructor name, date of submission, and course title. If this second writing sample is not from a course, please include any header information that specifies when, for whom, and on what occasion the piece was written.
Do you want to see a variety of writing samples?
Yes, if that shows the range of your best work. However, it’s fine if you submit two samples from the same class.
Does my writing sample need to be typed or can it be handwritten?
If you only have a handwritten draft, you can submit that.
Can I submit collaborative writing?
Your first writing sample should not be collaborative. However, if a collaborative writing sample is the most advanced work you have, you can submit it as writing sample #2, along with a detailed explanation in your reflection explaining exactly what you contributed.
I no longer have access to my writing assignments from high school. How should I fill out the sample section of the survey?
Please submit any writing sample that you may have, even if you did not complete it for a class. This could be something like a cover letter, a piece of creative writing, or a document written for a club/organization. You might think about talking about some of the essays that you wrote in high school but could not submit in your survey reflection.
How do I view my placement?
You can view your placement here after mid-July: https://web.due.uci.edu/testing/services/student.asp
If you have any questions about which class you should take, please consult with your academic advisor.
Test Scores
What scores can be used to determine my writing placement?
Scores from these tests: AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Research, or AP Seminar; the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); American College Testing (ACT); and/or the International Baccalaureate (IB).
Please submit any and all scores for any of these tests. Any score that you have for any of these tests can help determine placement. For more information on how to send your scores, please see the “Sending Test Scores” section here: https://admissions.uci.edu/admitted/official-documents.php
What is the Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR)?
To see all the ways that ELWR can be satisfied, please see the 2024 ELWR chart here.
What if I don’t have a relevant test score?
If you do not have a score, your placement will be determined by a review of your Writing Course Placement Portfolio.
Please submit any and all scores for any of these tests: AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Research, or AP Seminar; the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); American College Testing (ACT); and/or the International Baccalaureate (IB).
How do I check if my scores or transcripts have been submitted?
You can check to see whether your transcripts and test scores have been received by referring to your UCI Admitted Student Portal.
I submitted scores when I applied for college. Do I have to submit them again?
Yes. The transcripts that were submitted to UC are not officially submitted to UC Irvine, so you will need to submit them to UC Irvine specifically. Please make sure your test scores are sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. For more information on how to send your scores, please see the “Sending Test Scores” section here: https://admissions.uci.edu/admitted/official-documents.php
Transfer Course Credit
I took a college-level writing course at another institution. What should I do?
Please request that an official transcript be sent to UCI directly from your previous institution for review. For more information on how to send transcripts to UCI, please visit https://admissions.uci.edu/admitted/official-documents.php
If your transcript is not received in time for your advising and registration session, please be sure to have a copy or other access to your course completion record that you can show to your academic advisor during Orientation. They can appropriately advise you at that time on your writing placement and whether or not you will enroll in a writing course for Fall 2024.
For questions about the writing placement process, please email writingplacement@uci.edu.