UCI students who speak and read Vietnamese can take a placement exam or an exemption exam to satisfy Category VI and VIII General Education requirements.
Language Tests
Physical Science Tests
Placement Tests
Vietnamese Placement Test
1. How do I enroll in a Vietnamese course?
If you are interested in enrolling in Vietnamese 1A:
No placement test is required. You may enroll directly through WebReg if space permits. Please visit the Schedule of Classes to view course offerings and seat availability.
If you are interested in enrolling in a level above 1A:
You must take the Vietnamese Placement Test to receive course placement and enrollment authorization. See below for more information on the test.
Students should be aware that being placed in a level above any language course they are currently or were previously enrolled in will lead to losing credit for the lower-level course. Therefore, those students considering taking an exemption or placement exam are advised to take the exam prior to enrolling in any language course.
2. Who needs to take courses in Vietnamese?
Language learning is an integral part of a university education and learning another language is a worthwhile endeavor for any student, whether that language is one’s heritage language or a completely new language. The acquisition of a second or even third language increases one’s global literacy and helps to foster a greater appreciation of diversity. In our rapidly changing and increasingly interconnected world, students with language skills in more than one language will be able to engage their world in more meaningful and productive ways.
Completion of Vietnamese course work through the 1C level may be used to satisfy UCI’s Language Other Than English (Category VI) general education requirement. Students majoring in International Studies or students with a major in the School of Humanities must satisfy Language Other Than English requirements through the 2C level. Please consult your academic advisor if you have questions about these requirements.
3. What is the purpose of the Vietnamese Placement Test?
The Vietnamese Placement Test is designed to assess your proficiency in Vietnamese. It assesses your readiness for Vietnamese courses at UCI. You will be placed into one of the following courses:
Vietnamese 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, or 2C
- For more information about the Vietnamese program at UCI, please visit the Program in Global Languages & Cultures website here.
4. What is the format of the Vietnamese Placement Test?
The test is 70 minutes long and includes two parts (a total of 35 questions):
Part 1: Self-assessment questionnaire (10 minutes recommended). Part 1 is a short questionnaire that asks you about your background in the language(s) you speak or have learned.
Part 2: Multiple choice questions (60 minutes recommended). Part 2 contains 30 multiple-choice questions designed to assess your proficiency in Vietnamese.
5. How long are the results valid?
The results are valid for your entire academic career at UCI. You may take the Vietnamese Placement Test only one time. Please be advised that if you take the test more often than allowed, your new results will not be reported.
No University credit is given for taking the Vietnamese Placement Test. There is no fee to take the test if you are a UCI student.
6. Is test registration required?
Yes. Test registration is always required. You may register by using the Register/Check Result portal on our website.
Vietnamese Exemption Exam
The Vietnamese Exemption Test is offered to students as an alternative means for satisfying the Language Other Than English (Category VI General Education Requirement Policy) and the International/Global Issues (Category VIII General Education Requirement Policy) General Education requirements. You should take this test if you have a strong background in Vietnamese and are not interested in taking additional coursework.
This test is the same test as the Vietnamese Placement Test. You may register for the exam through the registration portal on our website.
The highest proficiency level attainable at UCI by taking the Vietnamese Placement/Exemption Test is 2C. This test may be taken only once. No University credit is given for taking the Vietnamese Placement/Exemption Test and there is no fee to take the test if you are a UCI student. Exemption results will not appear on the student’s transcript and notifications are sent to each student’s Academic unit at the end of the quarter.
For questions regarding Vietnamese course enrollment, please visit the Program in Global Languages & Culture’s website or contact hum-glc@uci.edu.
Students who are not affiliated with UCI are eligible to register and take the Vietnamese Exemption exam for a fee. For more information, please contact hum-glc@uci.edu.